College <):ol
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I came out in college a lesbian
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Summer '99 Then I was a sabre -
a male-dominated sport
Winter 99-00
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Then I didn't look so much like a girl Spring 2000 Then I was gender-neutral
May 2000
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ROTC Basic
July 2000
Then I was a boidyke
September 2000
Boidyke in the army!
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Then I met John and
sent him this picture
Then I met Matt and
he took this picture
frat boy for Halloween 2000
and I went all out.
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Gender Neutral Bailey Joshua
November, 2000
November, 2000
(by N. Nolan)
Then I met Kim Peirce
and felt important
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Then I started passing
really well as a boy
Then I was gay
(March 2001, 7 months pre-T)
Then I was gayer
June 2001
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Or was I a dyke in a tie?
Also June
Now all I need is some T and I'm done
(still June, 4 months pre-T)
Bein' a fag in Portland, Maine
(August 2001, 2 months pre-T)
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Also in Maine (Aug, '01)
(photo by L. Cudlitz)
College Grad Photo
(photo taken 1 month pre-T)
photo taken 2 days pre-T

<---High School | To my Medical Transition--->